The Story
Since 1992, The Fowler Center (TFC) has offered a week-long camp session for adults living with Traumatic Brain Injuries. Named for Carolyn Barefoot and her son, the family who originally approached TFC about offering such a camp, Camp Barefoot offers a week for adults with TBIs to come together with friends and have a great time at camp. The shared TBI and CHI experiences of campers along with the relaxed schedule allows campers to build a support network within camp that many access throughout the year. Camp Barefoot is scheduled over Memorial Day Weekend every year from Saturday through Thursday. In addition, we now offer a weekend each September for campers who do not want to wait a whole year to see each other again.

At Camp Barefoot, campers sign-up individually for the activities they are most interested in. Activity choices include typical camp activities such as tie dye, horseback riding, boating, crafts, and sports. We also offer challenge activities such as our 25-foot Tree House and 35-foot Climbing Wall that are fully accessible, even for those who use a wheelchair. Campers also have the opportunity to attend a camper-led church service on Sunday morning and an overnight camp out over the course of the week. In the evenings, everyone in camp comes together for activities such as the opening campfire, hayrides, ice-cream social, and the dance. By signing up for activities individually, instead of by cabin, campers are able to socialize and participate throughout the day with campers, staff, and volunteers outside their assigned cabin. This presents a unique opportunity to form lasting friendships.
Staff & Volunteers
Camp Barefoot is staffed primarily by our current and past summer staff, many of whom have been coming out for this week for many years. Barefoot is a favorite session for many of our staff who come back long after they graduate from college and move onto other full-time jobs. Staff receive training in direct care, transfers, and the unique needs of individuals with TBIs. The cabins are staffed in a 1:3 staff to camper ratio (If you would like to bring your own 1:1 staff for your camper due to their own unique needs, you may arrange to do so by calling our office at 989-673-2050). A nurse is on site at all times to pass medication and deal with any medical issues that may arise during the week. Volunteer individuals and groups also join us for the week to help lead programs and interact with campers on a daily basis.